Monday, September 8, 2014

Giveaway cancelled + OVALS announcment + first newsletter + Neo's Outhouse

I sadly had to cancel the SunWorms Giveaway as I realized, once I tried to send the reward to the only person who joined, it said he'd have to pay for it whether he wanted to or not. So, no rewards were given. :( But none to fear, the next time I start a contest or giveaway, I'll make sure more people join (I have a larger fan base) and the reward can actually be given!

In other words, I am announcing another new production, called OVALS. I have announced this before, but now, there is more to it! If you haven't read the original, you can find it by clicking here. I am recreating the series into a four part book series, which will involve everything like it was before, but renewed as I feel I just need to try again. More info on OVALS will be coming soon.

I recently sent out the first Newsletter for TPODsubscribed. It involved the SunWorms sequel and a few more things, like what I mentioned here. TPODsubscribed Newsletters will include much more exclusive content, so get signing up if you want the real juicy stuff!

Finally, me and my friend Noah are working on a series called Neo's Outhouse, about a bunch of random people who live in an outhouse together and go on crazy adventures. It's not the best quality, but me and Noah will never stop making this series. We love it too much! See it for yourself, all of the current episodes, in the Videos tab.

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